
Why Should I Join Mensa?

There are many intelligent reasons to join Mensa. Whether you actively attend Mensa meetings or simply relish the intellectual stimulation that membership promotes, you’ll find the benefits of Mensa membership to be numerous indeed.

Does Mensa Provide Intellectual Stimulation?

Mensa provides intriguing ways to flex your mental muscles. You’ll find intellectual resources in the national MInd magazines, in local email / whatsapp groups, and at local, national and international conventions.

Whatever your passion, there’s almost certain to be a Special Interest Group (SIG) filled with other Mensans who share it! Mensa world-wide offers approximately 200 SIGs, in mind-boggling profusion from African Violets to zoology. Along the way you’ll find microbiology, and systems analysis, but you’ll also find Sherlock Holmes, chocolate and Star Trek. There are the expected: biochemistry, space science, economics — and the unexpected: poker, roller-skating, scuba diving, UFOs and witchcraft. There are SIGs for bread making, winemaking, cartooning, silversmithing, and clowning. Heraldry, semantics and Egyptology co-exist with beekeeping, motorcycling and tap dancing. Sports SIGs cover the classics (baseball, basketball, and football) and the not-so-classic (skeet shooting, hang gliding, skydiving). And any Mensan who can’t find a SIG to join can easily start one.

Does Mensa Provide Social Interaction?

Mensa meetings are anything but dull! Local groups meet at least monthly. Often it’s for breakfast, lunch or dinner or for get-togethers featuring a speaker or a lively, freewheeling discussion. All are with fellow members who share your intellectual interests. Of course, participation in local group activities is always entirely at your option


What Publications Come With Mensa Membership?

You will receive the national magazine of Mensa India, MInd magazine with contributions by Mensans on a wide variety of subjects. This will feature the “Mensa World Journal,” an interesting and thought-provoking section which contains views and information about Mensa around the world.

“Isolated M” is a popular and informative newsletter sent to those members who are geographically or otherwise isolated.

Publication information is also available for specific other National Groups.

What Other Benefits Does Mensa Offer across the World?

Many unique programs exist and they vary from country to country.There is also a program that aids travelling Mensans called SIGHT.

Does Mensa Help the Community?

Mensa members find opportunities to contribute to the betterment of society through volunteer activities within their communities. Do look up two of our programs Dhruv, The Underprivileged Gifted Child Identification and Nurturing Program and the Tribal Mensa Nurturing Program.

How to Apply ?

Step 1


Entrance Test

Step 2

Get qualified in

TOP 2%Percentile

Step 3

Mensa India> Provide Documents

Application Form> Pay Membership Fees

Book Your Test


  • This is a self - assessment or practice IQ test containing 30 questions.
  • The test is in English but Mensa’s actual IQ test offers culture-fair testing throughout the country.
  • To attend the test you need a graphical browser / text-only browsers (overall score may be considerably lower than it might be with a graphical browser).
  • Results and answers will be shown immediately after you submit your answers.

*This IQ test is provided for practice purposes only; this score will not qualify you for Mensa.


John Doe


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Mensa India offers the following memberships to those eligible at the Mensa Entrance Test.

icon here

Registration Fees

icon here 500

Registration Fees for first-time joiners

Know more
icon here

Registration Fees

icon here 500

This expires on March 31 of the calendar year following the one in which membership was taken / last renewed.

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icon here

Registration Fees

icon here 2500

This expires on March 31 of the 5th calendar year following the one in which membership was taken / last renewed.

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Mensa India Test :

The best way is to contact your nearest chapter and enquire for the next test date and registration procedure for the same.

20th April 2025

Mensa Mumbai Test

Sunday, 20th April, 2025

Special Membership Drive
Mathuradas Mill Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013.

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Mensa Bengaluru Test

Next test in Bengaluru will be conducted soon


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20th April 2025

Mensa Ahmedabad Test

Sunday, 20th April, 2025

STELLAR, Sindhu Bhavani Road, Bodakdev, Ahmedabad 380 054


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06th April 2025

Mensa Delhi Test

Sunday, 06th Apr, 2025 at 09:30AM
Vidya School S-Block,
Garden Estate, Sector 24, Nathupur, Gurugram
New Delhi – 122010

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29th june 2025

Mensa Kolkata Test

Sunday, 29th June, 2025 at 10:30AM onwards
ENDEAVOUR - 30A, Southern Avenue,
Kolkata - 700027

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5th April 2025

Mensa Pune Test

Test Fees: Rs. 1000/-

Saturday, 5th April 2025 at 10.00 am
Vidyashilp Public School
Svy No 9/2, Yewalewadi Kondhwa Budruk
Pune - 411048

Know More


An aspirant above the age of 10 years wishing to join Mensa India may follow the procedure below.

  • 1
    Appear for the supervised Mensa India Entrance Test. This is conducted in Pune, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai currently.
  • 2
    Once found eligible in the above test(qualifying in the top two percentile), one can submit an application form (provided by Mensa India) and other documents and pay the membership fees.
  • 3
    One may reappear for the entrance test IF the result letter specifically invites the aspirant after the date mentioned on the letter.
  • 4
    Mensa India does NOT test applicants below the age of 10 years for Mensa membership.
  • 5
    Please click here to know more about the next test at a location near you.
  • 6
    In case no chapter exists in your location, there is a required prepaid registration of a minimum of 100 people willing to take a test at a decided time and place. In such a case, an entrance test may be conducted after prior arrangements are suitably made. Please contact the Mensa India Administrative HQ at mensahq@mensaindia.com regarding the same.

Joining Mensa India Using Prior Evidence

(Intelligence tests other than those conducted by Mensa India)

Mensa India has recently started accepting prior evidence based on approved standard intelligence tests administered by qualified Psychologists.

We now accept scores from several standardized intelligence tests, a partial list of which is given below. `

Tests accepted for prior evidence
ICIT - Indian Child Intelligence Test
WPPSI III - released on 2002
WPPSI IV - released on 2012
Stanford Binet IV - released on 1986
Stanford Binet V - released on 2004
APM Only for age above 11 years.
WISC III (Indian Adaptation by Mahandrika Bhat)
WISC-IV published in 2003
WISC-V published in 2014.
Note: The Wechsler tests must be given in their entirety.

-Mensa requires a Full Scale IQ score(FSIQ), so all sub-tests needed to obtain an FSIQ must be given.Supplemental sub-tests are not required unless they are substituted for a required sub-test with valid explanation for why it was substituted.
-For the WSIC-IV only: Mensa India will accept the general abilities index(GAI) in cases where there is a significant difference (i.e. 11/2 or more standard deviations) between two index scores. For all other Wechsler tests, the GAI will not be accepted.

These standardized tests need to be administered by a qualified, trained person and under ethically appropriate conditions in order to be considered for eligibility for Mensa membership.

It is important to note that the tests are given for the purpose of admission into Mensa and not to quantify intelligence. A qualifying score indicates that you've tested at, or better than, 98 percent of the general population.

All evidence of prior testing will be appraised individually by our National Supervisory Psychologist , and may be renormed or restandardized. We will appraise all applications individually and reserve the right to make the final determination about the acceptability of any test.

The Mensa India National Supervisory Psychologist will consider each application individually and make a binary determination as to Mensa India membership eligibility, no further explanation or justification is to be expected and their decision will be final and binding.

Please note that the original or a notarized copy of the original will be required prior to acceptance in Mensa India though copies can be supplied for evaluation on payment of the required fees. If your evidence is accepted, we may require you to submit the original documents which will be returned after scrutiny by Mensa India.

In order for scores to be accepted for Mensa membership, tests must be administered by a neutral and qualified third party in a traditional testing environment under conditions appropriate for the norming standards of each test (such as Psychology Department of a university or a private psychologist).

Results from tests given by an institution, agency or clinic must include the full name of the test, the score and the percentile rank. This documentation must be on the letterhead of the institution, agency or clinic; it also must be signed by the psychologist responsible for the testing and must include the psychologist’s license number.

For further information pl see the relevant section ‘How do I get proof of my previous test score(s)?’ in the Mensa International website here

If your test has been conducted by psychotherapist in private practice, please note that in addition to the above , the following also apply:

  • The examiner needs a minimum of a master’s degree in psychology or related field.
  • Mensa India will also review the examiner’s background and experience when determining if the testing is eligible for acceptance.

How long does the evaluation process take?

The evaluation will take 4-6 weeks. You can mail any questions in the interim to mensahq@mensaindia.org

Does Mensa India accepts Online Tests?

Mensa India does not accept the results of any online tests at this time.

Is there an age limit for submitting prior evidence?

Mensa India tests only children over 10 years of age. However, there is no age limit for joining Mensa, so if children below 10 years produce the results of authorized intelligence tests conducted by a professional psychologists, they will be evaluated and admitted to Mensa if they meet the required criteria.

Does Mensa India accept College Entrance exams like JEE, SAT , GRE , GMAT etc?

Mensa India does not accept college entrance tests as they are not considered by us to be strictly measures of intelligence. Many national Mensa chapters do accept such tests. If a candidate is accepted by another national Mensa on the basis of these scores, he is eligible to transfer to Mensa India on the basis of membership in that National Mensa.

To submit a prior evidence, please send your details to mensahq@mensaindia.org
A fee of INR 2000 is payable. Details will be provided by the Mensa India HQ.

What is Mensa?

Mensa is ‘the’ high IQ society.

What does ‘Mensa’ mean?

It is not an acronym - it is Latin for ‘table’. It denotes a round table where all members are equal.

Is Mensa a charity?

No. It is a not-for-profit membership based organisation.

What is its purpose?

Mensa is a society for like-minded people. Its aims are:

  • To identify and foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity
  • To encourage research in the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence
  • To provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members

When was Mensa formed?

Mensa was formed in Oxford in 1946 by Roland Berrill, an Australian barrister and Dr Lance Ware, scientist and lawyer. The organisation later spread around the world.

How many members are there?

Mensa India has had more than 3000 members who have qualified for Mensa membership. There are more than 140,000 world-wide.

Mensa is rather elitist, isn’t it?

No. Although membership is restricted to the top two per centile of the population by IQ, this means members come from all walks of life and backgrounds. They can be young or old, married, single, divorced, separated or widowed, and from any race, creed, colour, social or educational background.

What are the benefits of membership of Mensa?

Some of the benefits include - • Networking and social activities • Special Interest Groups where members can pursue interests and hobbies • National and international magazines. • Local meetings • Online social networking community with whatsapp chat forums • Weekend gatherings and conferences • Lectures and seminars • Mensa-branded products

Are all Mensans eggheads, nerds or geeks?

No. While a few members may fit the popular image, the majority of members are ordinary people. What they do generally have in common is enquiring minds and a potential to learn.

What is IQ?

IQ or Intelligence Quotient is an attempt to measure intelligence. This means many things to many people but generally the attribute of intelligence refers to quickness of mental apprehension (or mental agility). It is often confused with knowledge, wisdom, memory, or a myriad of other attributes and in general has a variety of meanings depending on the context in which it is used. IQ invariably refers to the attempt to quantify the attribute in its meaning of mental comprehension. There are several scales with which IQ may be measured depending upon which testing mechanism is used. For this reason the most reliable and consistent value to be placed on IQ is that of the percentile. An IQ of 150 is a meaningless claim unless the testing mechanism is also cited, but an IQ in the 98th percentile (i.e. higher than 98 per cent of the population) has consistent meaning.

What is the pass score for Mensa?

You cannot pass or fail an IQ test – it is a measurement. Putting a number on IQ is not really helpful, as it depends on which particular test you took. There are many IQ tests available and their scoring scales vary – rather like comparing imperial and metric measurements. All Mensans are in the top two per cent by IQ whichever scale their intelligence was measured by, as the Mensa Entrance Test gives a percentile score.

Does your IQ change as you get older?

Not generally. IQ tests are age adjusted, basically to take account of youth and inexperience (under 18) or age and diminishing speed. The reason is that, as we get older, diminishing speed and spatial awareness are balanced by having more knowledge and experience to draw on to solve problems. Keeping your mind active as you grow older will help maintain your cognitive faculties, although of course degenerative brain conditions can affect this.

How much does a Mensa intelligence test cost?

Mensa Supervised intelligence test session costs 750.00 rupees if conducted at at a prescheduled, announced time and venue by Mensa India authorized personnel. The cost for a specially scheduled test at premises of your choice would be quoted for on a case-to-case basis after assessment of the premises and the number of persons to be tested.

Do I have to take the test again if I leave and want to re-join?

No – just email the Administrative HQ office and provide a copy of your result sheet or ask if a record exists with Mensa India. We can arrange to reinstate lapsed members.

What is the minimum age which the candidate must be to sit for the Mensa India test?

The minimum age is 10 years or older on the date of the test.

What preparation is needed for the test?

No syllabus or preparation is advised. Come as you are.

How soon can I reappear if I do not clear the test?

Your test score letter shall specifically mention if you may reappear again along with the process and date after which you may do so if you like.

What benefits do I get after joining Mensa?

Please see the section on membership benefits. Further to that, it would be useful to know that Mensa India is more of a do-it-yourself organisation so being involved in its activities and volunteering in organizing various programs or setting up things would have far more benefit far more than just being a card-carrying Mensan.

Is my membership transferable to another chapter in India?

Yes. Please see the section on transfers by clicking here.

Is my membership transferable to another chapter abroad?

Yes. Please see the section on transfers by clicking here.

How can I transfer my Indian Mensa membership to international chapter?

Firstly, you need to be a dues paid member to make this request. Next you contact the national office that shall authorise the transfer by independently providing your membership validity to the destination Mensa.

What do I bring along to the test?

Please look for specific instructions at the time of registration. However a typical list would include the following. Dark pencils, eraser, sharpener, pen and Photo identification (Govt. Id and not school Id) A photo of the aspirant may also be sought. The Test shall last between 45 minutes and one and a half hours once it begins. No syllabus or preparation is required. Practice tests are available here and here.

What does Mensa do?

Each chapter of Mensa is autonomous within the rules set by Mensa International and Mensa India. Most of the time, Mensans interact with each other in meetings and online and discuss topics of mutual concern. Mensans also form Special Interest Groups where those sharing specific interests can come together. This can include excursions, study tours, cooking sessions, eating out, photography - virtually anything that Mensans feel like doing.

If you are looking for someone to help you kick-start your new venture, or someone to go zorbing with, chances are you will find a Mensan equally excited as you to associate with!

Apart from this, Mensa is also involved in social inclusion and upliftment. The Tribal Mensa Program of Mensa India (Pune) and the Underprivileged Gifted Child Identification & Nurturing Program, Dhruv, started byMensa India (Delhi) are two examples of such projects. Mensa should be seen as a club for the brightest, instead of an organisation. Bearing this perspective, joining Mensa can be an exciting adventure or a waste of time - it all depends on the Mensan concerned.

Does Mensa do anything to support gifted children?

In addition to the normal membership benefits, young members may choose to join the Young Mensan Groups of your respective chapter or the Mensa International Junior & Teen Special Interest Group (SIG) with a regular newsletter aimed at under 18s.

Where to appear for the test if I am not from a place where no chapter exists?

In case no chapter exists in your location, there is a required prepaid registration of at least 100 persons willing to take a test at a decided time and place. In such a case, an entrance test may be conducted after prior arrangements are suitably made. Please contact the Administrative HQ regarding the same.

How many times can I take the test? What gap?

You can take the test again so long as your test score letter specifically mentions that you are re-invited to do so each time. If such is the case, the gap is usually one year.

Do you conduct any nurturing program for the members? If yes, then how can I join them?

Currently we do not conduct such programs for adult Mensans. For young Mensans in the 10-18 year-old age group, some chapters do have nurturing programs. To join them, enquire with your chapter head.

When is the next test and how can I register for it?

Generally each test date is decided locally and after one test is administered. The best way is to visit this page ()

Why are applicants allowed to give the entrance test and join Mensa only after 10 years of age in India when in other countries there are Mensans from age 4yrs and sometimes even 2½ years?

Children are highly sensitive; their performances are very changeable as per situation around and the rapport with tester. Intelligence tested at young age may not be always reliable and stable over years. Reliability of the test scores increases at the age 10. Stability of IQ and percentile rank also is more at this age range. Correlation between intelligence tested at younger age and later age indicate the stability. NOTE: High intelligence score means high IQ or Percentile Rank but low score does not always mean low IQ or Percentile Rank.

http://parade.com/14651/marilynvossavant/at-what-age-can-one-test-a-chil... Marilyn –a leading psychologist : Tests aren’t reliable before the age of 4 or so, and even afterward, they will tell you mainly what you already know—that your child is faster or slower than usual, or somewhere in between. (Plus, the best tests must be administered individually by a trained clinician, which is costly.) Intelligence can’t be measured like height or weight, so IQ numbers, at any age, will only label a child unnecessarily, sometimes harmfully. The tests are useful for certain applications but not as routine assessments of individuals, least of all small children. The exact peak age of fluid intelligence or crystallized intelligence remains elusive. Cross-sectional studies usually show that especially fluid intelligence peaks at a relatively young age (often in the early adulthood) while longitudinal data mostly show that intelligence is stable until the mid adulthood or later. Subsequently, intelligence seems to decline slowly.

I score in top 2% upon Weschler’s Intelligence Test. Can I join Mensa Directly?

Administration and Interpretation of this test is the main concern. The norms used are important – test date, adapted version or original one, period of norms, the whole IQ considered? Hence our National Supervisory Psychologist needs the documents stating detailed report of the test, test date, administrator and his/her details, the answer-recording sheet, version of norms used etc. before the test score is found acceptable for Mensa India membership or not. For all practical purposes, we accept the results of our test created by the Mensa India National Supervisory Psychologist.

Can I get Mensa membership if I am tested and scored top 2% on any other IQ test?

Please see above.

What are the other tests scores on the basis of which I may join Mensa India? What are the tests and respective qualifying scores?

The tests will not be disclosed. Rather than the name of the test, the test version, adaptation, norms of the tests, re-norming, characteristics of the tests, authenticity of test and the agency who has worked on it, test administration, conditions of the testing, etc are important. They need to be verified by National Supervisory Psychologist.

What should I do if I think my child is exceptionally intelligent?

No need to confirm by testing or labeling. Give adequate exposure, without burdening the child, create interest in ‘learning’ the environment around, encourage to try his/her abilities, provide appropriate guidance wherever needed, meet experts in the field/s of interest. Let the child decide when, why, how to perform; but provide a conducive atmosphere. Observe your child as closely as possible. Keep the observations well documented. Observations will depend on the stage of development of the child. But roughly Physical parameters Sensory sensitivity- all senses- visual observations, auditory perception (listening and recognising sounds and changes), tactile sensations, attention span, concentration, movement – gross motor, finger skills, body balance. Emotional parameters – understanding , expression, managing good and bad emotions. Social parameters – recognizing others, comfort with others (close relatives, friends, unknown persons), manners, attending to others. Intellectual parameters Observations (keen, accurate, sequential) Creative thinking, reasoning, memory, decision making, problem solving Give exposure for the above observations and in general listen to the child’s talk (psychological and direct). Nurturing practices- Education (formal and informal- choice of the child) Encourage to learn with due caution Correspondence with models in the field Show direction Training Practice (repeated exposure to reduce mistakes, find new solutions) Guidance and Mentoring Some related courses are - Postal Course of Jnana Prabodhini’s Institute of Psychology: http://www.jpip.org/ 1. Child and adolescent Psychology: enhancing potentials 2. P.G. Diploma. In School Psychology (Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universtiy) 1 yr after Graduation 3. Education of the gifted: methods and strategies (Granted by UGC, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune Universtiy) 1 yr after Post Graduation